November 23, 2011



It's been awhile hasn't it?  Months and months gone by with nary a two-dimensional image to stimulate your sense-deprived eyeballs.  Well here's some for you, and there will be more after that, and more after that.  I have been stockpiling my photos for months.  The photographer in me is still much active, lustily stomping around this fragile earth in muddy jeans and a shockingly limited collection of plaid button-ups.  But the promotionalist, the hustler, the administrator, the record keeper, the editor, the story-teller, the sorter and compiler and the slick salesman are dead.  Deader than dead.  Fucking dead.

There are two simple reasons for this.

1.) I got a full-time job.

2.) I got a full-time girlfriend

Both of these are unqualified "good things."  I get up, I get kisses, I go to work, I stay out of trouble, I count my pennies and I cook my meals in lovely company.  Good for me, yea yea.  The point is that my long, lingering, painfully bloated "free time" is now quite trim indeed, sinewy even.  And when I think of ways to fill said time, it is easy to skirt around the relative "work" of my photography habit in favor of, say, breezy afternoons among the hardwoods, setting suns on yupster vomit and Modern Warfare 3.

In any case, I am rambling.  Please enjoy these photos and all the ones to follow.  I am starting with the wedding and engagement of my good friends Jason and Nicole Bonine.  Thanks guys!


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